Volunteer engaged in a discussion with a voter

Share Your Story

Your Story Matters

How was your voting experience? Did you vote early? Did you use an absentee ballot? Were there police at your precinct? Were there safety precautions? Did you know where to vote? We want to hear your story. Your story will help us understand voting, can shift the hearts and minds of lawmakers, and help us to make the public more aware.

What kind of stories

Positive experiences. Negative experiences. Overall, we want to hear your story. Use the form below to tell us your full voting experience. We might use your stories to highlight the voting process on our site, social media, or advocacy.

A few experiences to consider:

  • Did you early vote?
  • Were there safety precautions? i.e., hand sanitizer, distancing
  • How long did it take you to vote?
  • Were there long lines?
  • Any obstructions to enter the voting site?
  • Curbside voting?

Tell us your story

Need to report potential voter suppression?
Please report an issue here.