Mailbox with its flag up in front of a defocused brick house

Learn about absentee ballots

Alabama Absentee Ballot Eligibility

To be eligible to vote by absentee ballot in Alabama, you must meet one of the following conditions:

  • Expect to be out of the county or the state on election day.
  • Be physically incapacitated and not able to vote in person on election day.
  • Expect to work a required workplace shift which has at least 10 hours which coincide with the polling hours.
  • Be a student at an educational institution located outside the county of permanent residence. 
  • Be a member of, or a spouse or dependent of a member of, the Armed Forces of the United States.
  • Be appointed as an election officer at a polling place which is not my regular polling place.
  • Be a caregiver for a family member (with certain kinship requirements) and the family member is confined to his or her home. 
  • Be currently incarcerated in prison or jail and have not been convicted of a felony involving moral turpitude.