Road map of Texas, with a graphic overlay of networked people

Redistricting in Texas

Redistricting happens every 10 years right after the Census and it’s the process of redrawing district lines to determine who represents you. You have a voice in drawing these lines.

Use this information as a reference for how you can help with redistricting in Texas. 

Congressional districts

  • Restrictions: None
  • Number of districts, 2011-2021: 36
  • Number of districts after 2020 Census: 38
  • May Governor veto? Yes
  • Districting responsibility: State legislature
  • Self-imposed state deadlines and enforcement: None

Legislative districts

  • Restrictions: 
    • Districts must be contiguous.
    • House districts must follow county boundaries whenever possible.
  • Number of districts: 31 Senate, 150 House
  • Multimember districts? No
  • House districts nested within Senate districts? No
  • May Governor veto? Yes (if drawn by legislature)
  • Districting responsibility: State legislature or, if legislature fails to make an apportionment, a backup commission of elected officials (Legislative Redistricting Board of Texas).
  • Self-imposed state deadlines and enforcement*: First regular session following release of Census figures. If not, the 5-member Legislative Redistricting Board of Texas has 90 days to assemble in Austin and must adopt a plan within 60 days after assembling.

* Deadlines subject to change based on Census delays.

There are no specific guidelines on public input on the redistricting process in Texas.

Follow us on Twitter for redistricting updates


Texas Legislative Council - Redistricting Support Services

Joint Chairman: Dan Patrick, Lieutenant Governor
Joint Chairman: Dade Phelan, Speaker of the House
Executive Director: Jeff Archer

Address: P.O. Box 12128, Capitol Station, Austin, TX 78711-2128
Phone: 512.463.6622
Fax: 512.936.1020

Redistricting 2021: We Draw The Line

You and your community have a voice in drawing these lines and a right to be involved in the map drawing process.

Sign up now

Take the 5 for 5 #WeDrawTheLine Pledge:

  1. Attend a training
  2. Engage 5 friends
  3. Share your story
  4. Use your voice
  5. Join in the map drawing process